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926 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90403

(310) 395-3992

Santa Monica Palisades Lodge No. 307 is a historic Lodge in the heart of Santa Monica, California. Come learn more about Freemasonry and our ancient Craft.


Member Info

Information about membership & activities of Santa Monica-Palisades 307.

As we continue to improve ourselves in Masonry, we are indeed improving life. We know from history that without ideals to guide us, the garden of a man’s life will not grow into a place of beauty.
— Stanley F. Maxwell

The Good That We Do

Masons have been at the forefront of many movements in this country, in this state, and in this community. 

As a fraternity, we have championed many great causes - but perhaps none so personal, or so affecting, as that of public education. From helping to establish the nation’s first public school systems to helping bring California’s public schools out of crisis in 1920, Masons have been on the forefront.

Click HERE to learn more about Masonry and public schools throughout history. 

We continue to be leaders in statewide support of public schools in several areas, including early childhood literacy skills, and scholarships for deserving - but often overlooked - high school seniors who might not otherwise have the ability to obtain a higher education. Locally, we are involved in the Santa Monica-Malibu School District. 

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Degree Materials



The overarching strategy of the fraternity is to educate, engage, and excel, and it is guided by these 5 strategic priorities: 

  1. Membership experience.
  2. Masonic education.
  3. Leadership and management.
  4. Beyond the Lodge.
  5. Philanthropy. 

Learn more about the Strategic Plan HERE.


CLICK HERE for the online education tool that helps candidates earn their degrees through:

  • Inspiring videos show brothers living the craft and sharing how their lives are enriched by Masonry,
  • Challenging games teach important facts about the history of Masonry,
  • Historic articles, photos, and other archives give context to the lessons, and
  • Journaling exercises help you think deeply about each lesson.

You now have the ability to pay your 2016 Dues online.  Click link: