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926 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90403

(310) 395-3992

Santa Monica Palisades Lodge No. 307 is a historic Lodge in the heart of Santa Monica, California. Come learn more about Freemasonry and our ancient Craft.

Members Blog

Post here for content that is only germane to lodge members. 

Welcome Members

Jay Milla

To the members of SMP307:


This is the private portion of our lodge site, protected by a password and accessible only to members who have received the password. The purpose of this page is to share thoughts or information that is only relevant to lodge members.

For example, an interesting tidbit about our ritual, or perhaps a question concerning a degree.  

Or else an update about a particular brother of our lodge, that should most likely remain private and not be shared with everyone.  

I want this area to feel safe and exclusive of the public, where we are free to share things concerning Masonry.  Hopefully this blog continues to evolve over the years and takes on a life of its own.